
+357 26813244


Frequently asked questions

A list of frequently asked questions about our car rental services in Cyprus and their answers.

Find an answer to your question.

Our rates include all of the following:

  • Free delivery to Paphos Airport*
  • Free 24 hour drop-off available in Paphos**
  • Unlimited Mileage
  • All Taxes and VAT included
  • Full Comprehensive Insurance.
  • C.D.W insurance – which covers the Tyres, windscreen and undercarriage of the vehicle hired
  • P.A.I {personal accident insurance} included
  • Family Protection Cover included { if you are involved in an automobile accident where you are not at fault, with someone who carries less insurance, no insurance, or is an unidentified driver (e.g., hit and run)
  • Fire & Theft of the vehicle
  • Free 24 hour roadside assistance.{ all vehicles covered by AAA 24 hour Roadside assistance}
  • Free first Additional driver
  • Loss of Vehicle Use {This covers the cost of a rental vehicle while your vehicle is being replaced or repaired, if the damage or loss is caused by a peril for which you are insured.}

* Larnaca Airport: Additional charges apply
** Larnaca : Additional charges apply

While we endeavour to honour all quotes for 7 days, availability and pricing of some quotes may occasionally change between the time of your quote and the booking due to increased demand. However if this is the case we will advise you at the time of booking.

We use no other car hire companies and you rent a car directly from easyRentaCar. We provide our own cars so you don’t have to depend on someone else to provide the car to you.

The minimum age limit is usually 21 but some countries allow you to pick the vehicle up when you are over 18. Please read the terms and conditions pertaining to the supplier that we select for your specific dates. Please note most suppliers will have an additional under age fee. Full detail will always be outlined in the specific terms and conditions.

easyRentaCar ltd cannot guarantee a particular make or model of car but we will guarantee that a car within the “Car Group” will be available for collection as required. It is recommended that travelers with additional luggage such as golf clubs or fishing equipment rent a vehicle one class above the normal requirements, to allow for comfort.

Prices are calculated on a 24-hour basis. If your drop-off time for the car is exceeded by more than 5 hours than your pick-up time, you may be charged for an extra day.

We ask for no up-front deposit in advance, you only pay the amount to easyRentaCar after collection of the vehicle.

We don’t fill the cars up thus we don’t charge for a full tank. Most of the times we just put 35 Euros worth of petrol just enough for the first days hire unless the Hirer asks for a full tank of petrol.

If you are unlucky enough to be involved in any sort of traffic accident while driving on a road in Cyprus, first and foremost always contact easyRentaCar. We will call the police when necessary and aid you as fast as possible. When you call the emergency number, 112 it is directed to the Police in the first instance.

Police will call an ambulance or the fire service to the scene if required. The accident and reporting procedures are broadly similar to other countries in Europe. This means that police will only attend accidents that involve injury, driving offenses or special situations where, for example, the road is blocked. Do not move your car before contacting the office of easyRentaCar.
If you do move your vehicle, you could be deemed to be at fault, even though this may not be the case.

Always carry with you in a rented car:

  • Driving licence
  • Rental documents

When you complete the reservation process, you will receive an email advising that your booking is being processed. You will then receive your Reservation Confirmation Document by email.

If your rental has already started you should contact easyRentaCar ltd and if there is availability then you should keep the same car or they can replace the car with an available one at no extra charge.

My question is not listed. What should I do?

If you have any questions that is not answered in our FAQ’s, please contact us through our email and we will be happy to assist you.